Monday, September 17, 2007

Top 10 Reality televisiony Celebrities

• Trista Rehn
• Jerri Manthey
• Simon Cowell
• Brooke Burns
• Paula Abdul
• Kelly Osbourne
• Jeff Probst
• Anna Nicole Smith
• Joe Rogan
• Darva Conge

Can a anticipant celebrity make a career out of realness-trealness shows?

If Los Angeles barkeeper-tbarkeeper-hbarkeeper-nbarkeeper Jerri Manthey is any indicating, the answer may be "yes."

To be fair, the wishful actress had already managed to add a distich of credits to her restart earlier organism broached as a protester on 2001's "Survivor: The Aussie Inaccessible" and as a surprisal houseguest originally this year on "The Dreamlike Life."

But the 32-year-old Manthey tranquilize has her eye on horizons that are larger than your intermediate surviving-rsurviving TV. "I chose this--or, genuinely, this career chose me--a long time ago, and I've been struggling for so long that I can't help but be very agitated," Manthey told E! Online. "When I get to do things and I'm invitational to places, I revalue it even more, because doors that have been slammed in my face earlier are open now."

Tho' Manthey's role in this summery's distaff-bdistaff clowning "Iron Janes" could help additional her impermanent career, she'll ne'er forget her realness-trealness turns.

"I well-read a lot approximately the magnate of the media, and the shivery fact that citizenry believe virtually everything they see on telly," she freshly wrote in an online clause
"Now things are different. I get called in to auditions from casting directors who loved the show and want to meet me. I get in the door only to have them be shocked that I actually can act. ... I understand the frustration of the struggling actor. I've been struggling--and I'm still struggling.
Fast Facts about Jerri Manthey
• Was born on an Army base in Stuttgart, Germany.
• Has a dog named Gidget and a cat named Kiya.
• Appeared in the Showtime movie
• Briefly dated actor and
• Appeared nude in the September 2001 issue of Playboy.

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